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  • Odorbet

Installation 36: Start Making Sense/Scents

Image courtesy the artist.

Chester Gibs is a multi-disciplinary artist born in The Netherlands and of Indonesian descent. Growing up he took note that his home smelled differently than others, and these unique notes have become one of the roots of his olfactory designs and artistic creations. Chester graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam in the Painting and Drawing department in 2002, and since 2016 has been combining his love of drawing, music and olfactory in a variety of projects. His primary work is drawings, and he has been using scent as a portal to his imagination over the years.

After years of collecting perfumes , I found out that I was drawn to them for various reasons- but the main one was that scent influences my state of mind. - Chester Gibs

I asked him to send me a list of the Indonesian scents from his childhood home, undoubtedly from the incredible food. This is one of the places from where his olfactory imagination begins:




Cananga root


Palm sugar





Coriander seeds

Dried lillies

Chester continues to create olfactory projects, drawings, and most recently shared his work on creating a room spray Bouquet de Bury, inspired to bring the outside inside where on the grounds of the Chateau de Courierre honey is produced, and apples and walnuts are abundant.

The following words are contributed by Chester to the Odorbet.Thank you for sharing your olfactory and art mosaic. Please learn more about him on his instagram account or website. :)

Self Scentered (adjective) Looking inward, scent wise too, one’s own olfactive identity is more important that the vision / opinion of others.

Scentology (noun) Rituals, spirituality lead by scent around us and a profound believe in its meaning and its way to give insight into life and how to live right. The path of scent.

Image courtesy of artist. “Music-your Olfactive Melody”

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